For just about any type of content, the text and visuals play together to form a cohesive message. Online stores that use great pictures and clear descriptions of their products get more people interested. However, it can be tedious and challenging to write product descriptions repeatedly.

This is where a product description generator comes into play. By leveraging AI, product description generator tools can help you come up with excellent copy ideas. Writers can then use that inspiration to craft their own unique texts to influence readers.

This guide will explain how to write great product descriptions and recommend some product description generators to help you.


Why Do Product Descriptions Matter?

Copywriting Example

Great product descriptions do two things: tell people what the product is and why they need it. There are many ways to write them. The best ones focus on the customer's problems and how the product solves them, using easy-to-understand language.

What is the Product Description Generator?

A product description generator is a tool that helps you write descriptions for the things you're selling online. Imagine it as a writing assistant who knows what makes a good description and can help you create them quickly.

Here's how it works:

  1. You tell the tool some details about your product, like what it is and what it does.
  2. The tool uses its knowledge of good descriptions to create a draft for you.
  3. You can then edit the draft to make sure it sounds perfect for your product and brand.

These top-notch product description generators are built using AI, so they know what makes a good description. Through their technology, they can generate compelling descriptions that users would love to read. The more a customer reads about the product, the more they will trust the product. This product description generator helps you write better, and faster. It can spark new ideas and save you time.

By using AI, they can produce descriptions very quickly, giving you plenty of time to brainstorm and pick the best bits of what the AI provides. Writers can then use their own ideas to create effective texts. You can tailor the descriptions the generator creates to include keywords that help people find your product online. This can improve your search engine ranking.

How to Choose the Best Product Description Generator?

SEO & Analytics

There is a lot that a product description generator can provide to writers and other professionals. In order to choose the most suitable app, you will need to consider a variety of factors. While it is unlikely for a single AI tool to offer everything you need, you can still gauge the quality of a product with what it offers.

1. Customization Options: You can change the descriptions to fit your brand, style, and product details. The ability to tailor the descriptions to match your brand's voice, style, and specific product features is essential.

2. SEO Features: SEO is absolutely crucial and is the crux of the whole marketing game. Look for features that can boost your SEO. For example, keyword suggestions, title optimization, and meta-description options.

3. Language Support: Choosing a generator that can write descriptions in multi-language. Then you can reach more people.

4. Quality and Uniqueness: The generator should produce high-quality, unique content. Avoid tools that create duplicate or spun content, as this can harm your SEO efforts.

5. Price: A free AI tool would be great, but in reality, they are rare. Not to mention that such apps are used frequently. Therefore, you wouldn't want to pay too much for product description generators.

Great product descriptions can be made even more eye-catching with attractive features in your photos. This includes things like shadows, color adjustments, and blurred backgrounds. Learn more about how to blur background of your product in How to Blur Background in Pictures?

Top 5 Product Description Generators

Frase.IO Homepage

Frase.IO is an AI product description generator free of cost that empowers businesses to create compelling, SEO-friendly product descriptions effortlessly. Due to its AI-based approach, you can create descriptions easily and quickly.

Key Features:

Frase.IO is a free AI product description generator. It empowers businesses to create compelling, SEO-friendly product descriptions effortlessly. Due to its AI-based approach, you can create descriptions easily and quickly.

Key Features:

1. Automatic Writer: Frase.IO uses AI to generate product descriptions automatically.

2. SEO Optimization: The text provided by the AI tool can also focus on SEO, in order to improve rankings.

3. Creativity Level: Users can adjust just how creative the AI tool can be when writing the descriptions.

4. Simple UI: The webpage is designed with simplicity in mind, enabling writers to get into the work faster.


ClickUp Homepage

ClickUp is an excellent AI productivity application. It offers a range of workflow enhancer tools. It also includes an AI writer tool that can generate interesting product descriptions.

Key Features:

1. More Than Descriptions: ClickUp isn't just about AI descriptions! It also has many productivity tools to make your whole workflow run smoother.

2. Faster Creation: Pre-built content blocks help you write descriptions much quicker.

3. All-in-One View: The handy dashboards keep everything you need organized in one place.


  • Speeds up the content creation process, reducing the time required.
  • Useful for a wide range of tasks across different domains.
  • It offers an affordable AI solution to enhance productivity.


  • It is not as easy to use as others.
  • It can have more writing features.

Copy.AI Homepage

Copy.AI is a pretty robust platform harnessing AI technology to change the way product descriptions written.

Key Features:

1. Your Brand, Your Way: Make the descriptions fit your brand perfectly, including tone and audience.

2. Write Faster, Sell More: This tool saves you a ton of time writing descriptions, so you can focus on selling!


  • It is a free product description generator.
  • It allows brands to generate personalized content.
  • Quick processing.


  • Users have to go through a learning curve to get the hang of the app.
  • The UI can seem confusing at first.


Jasper Homepage

Jasper, formerly known as Jarvis, is a valuable AI tool for crafting compelling product descriptions. The brand offers a range of brand-related features and tools that you can use to enhance your marketing endeavors. 

Key Features:

1. SEO Optimization: Easily incorporate keywords to boost search engine visibility and rankings.

2. Template Library: Access a rich of templates. Get a jumpstart with templates for all sorts of marketing tasks.

3. Custom Output: Choose to generate multiple copy ideas at once for increased flexibility.


  • This platform offers a ton of marketing tools, making it a one-stop solution.
  • Jasper can provide high-quality product descriptions.
  • Built-in quality checks ensure your copy is unique and clean.


  • It is an expensive app to purchase.
  • Limited free use.


Writesonic Homepage

Writesonic's product description tool uses AI to write descriptions that sell in seconds. Just tell it some details about your product, and it will create high-quality descriptions that help you rank higher in search results. This saves you a ton of time writing, so you can focus on other things.

Key Features:

1. Sell Worldwide: Writesonic writes descriptions in over 25 languages. You can reach customers everywhere.

2. Pick Your Style: Choose from different templates to fit the kind of product description you need.

3. Control the Quality: Get descriptions as detailed or simple as you want.


  • Writesonic accelerates content creation, freeing up valuable time for businesses.
  • Users can fine-tune the tone, language, and quality of product descriptions.


  • The platform can be a bit laggy.
  • Limited free use.

How to Use a Product Description Generator Effectively?

You can use an AI product description generator easily. In this example, we will consider Frase.IO.

Step 1: Click on the link given to access the webpage. 

Frase.IO Input

Step 2: You will see the empty text fields below. You can input your requirements there and set the creativity level down below. When you are ready, click on "Generate".

Frase.IO Settings

Step 3: The product description generator will process your request and generate the content in a few seconds. You can then copy that text and use it for your work.

AI Product Description

Challenges and Solutions of Product Description Generator

AI description tools are helpful and clever, but they can't completely replace a human writer. There can be some issues with using these apps. For example, the app may not fully comprehend the product that it is writing about, leading to incomplete descriptions. Another issue could be related to SEO, wherein the search engines may not promote your content if it's too spammy or generic.

Therefore, the ideal solution would be to combine AI and human writers. You can use these apps to generate descriptions quickly, but then you should take the time to edit them and make them truly unique. Humans can easily build on AI and create something even more compelling.


Product description generators are invaluable tools that every writer should have on their radar. These applications offer writers a dual advantage. They offer productivity boosts and a range of fresh ideas for crafting compelling content. Many of the tools discussed even provide free access and include a range of useful features, making them accessible to a wide audience. If you want to generate product images at the same time, you can check an AI product image generator. With both tools, you have more possibility to get more audience.

However, writers should keep in mind that while AI-generated content is a great starting point, it may require some manual editing. This is crucial to ensure that the generated texts are not flagged by search engines and maintain their quality.


1. What is the product description generator?

A product description generator is a tool that helps you write descriptions for the things you're selling online. Imagine it as a writing assistant who knows what makes a good description and can help you create them quickly.

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Jayden Harper
Jayden Harper
I am an amateur photographer. I am keen on learning new knowledge of photography and sharing some tips with everyone.