Everything you need to know about digital commerce in this article!

What is Digital Commerce?

Digital commerce

Digital commerce refers to all the digital touchpoints from which you can access content, buy and sell products, and more. It is easier to understand what is digital commerce by making a simple comparison to e-commerce. Shopping online? E-commerce covers websites where you buy and sell. Digital commerce is bigger - it includes those websites, plus social media, brand websites, and even apps!

As such, digital commerce is a bigger term and e-commerce is only a part of digital commerce. Not to mention that digital commerce can also include digital marketing.

Why is digital commerce important? Getting your digital commerce right can lead to enhanced marketing, directly influencing sales. Now, this guide will explore digital commerce in more detail. We'll look at the exciting trends happening in 2024, and also show you how some AI tools can help you win online.

How Does Digital Commerce Work?

Think of digital commerce as all the online stuff you do to buy things. It's like online shopping (e-commerce), but also includes interacting with sellers on social media and other sites. It covers the whole journey, from finding a product to getting help after you buy it. Marketing, pictures, and descriptions all play a role in this online shopping experience.

Digital commerce lets businesses connect with customers directly online. This often starts with businesses creating a website, social media pages, and profiles on other online platforms. Businesses also have their product listings, which the users can go through and interact with.

Here, image editing and content creation are key as they make the products or services look appealing. These image-editing apps make shopping online even better. They can fix colors, erase messy backgrounds, and even show you how clothes might look on you with special models! Apps such as VanceAI are commonly used by creators to enhance their digital commerce.

Image Editing App

Once a consumer decides to purchase, they add items to their cart and proceed to checkout, where secure payment gateways ensure transaction safety. After the purchase, digital commerce can extend to post-purchase services such as customer support and guides. AI can also assist in personalized recommendations based on previous purchases, further enhancing the customer experience.

Digital commerce relies heavily on data analytics to understand consumer behavior, optimize processes, and drive business decisions. Overall, it's a dynamic ecosystem where technology, data, and consumer preferences intersect to create seamless online shopping experiences.

Why Is Digital Commerce Important?

Digital Devices and Platforms

You may know what is digital commerce and now wonder why is digital commerce important. First of all, being online enables businesses and brands to access people from all over the world, hence providing them with a bigger audience base and the chance the establish a stronger, more popular brand identity. By offering valuable and engaging content, products, and services, brands can lead their respective markets.

Another important aspect of digital commerce is data analytics. Marketing experts collect and study important data points, such as audience engagement, social media performance, conversions, and more. The data is then used as the backbone of future strategies.

An area where digital commerce and ecommerce overlap is content creation, especially image editing. Even the best strategies can fall apart if your visuals and overall content aren't up to professional standards. AI image editing tools are often used for cost-effective and high-quality solutions. AI tools can also be case-specific, such as using AI Background Generator to create ecommerce-friendly backgrounds for product images.

Furthermore, digital commerce offers businesses the flexibility to adapt to changing market trends and consumer demands quickly. This agility is crucial in today's fast-paced business environment, where staying ahead of the competition is essential for success.

Difference Between E-commerce and Digital Commerce

digital commerce

Image Credit: CMARIX

Digital commerce and ecommerce are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences. Ecommerce refers specifically to online transactions conducted over the Internet, including ecommerce websites, business websites, etc. It mainly focuses on the buying and selling of goods and services online.

On the other hand, digital commerce encompasses a broader range of activities beyond just buying and selling. It includes all online interactions between businesses and individuals, such as online advertising, email marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing. Digital commerce is about engaging customers and building relationships through various digital channels, which indirectly or directly boosts the business.

In essence, ecommerce is a subset of digital commerce. However, both are used for the purpose of increasing sales.

Digital Commerce Trends in 2024

The digital space in general is pretty dynamic, with new trends often sweeping the landscape from time to time. Digital commerce is no exception. Below are a few trends that you can expect in 2024.

digital commerce trend 2024

Image Credit: Publicis Sapient/Statista

1. Personalized Ads

According to a survey conducted by Statista, people are getting less and less annoyed with personalized ads. This may come as a shocker to many as the common belief is that of the opposite.

Furthermore, we can see from the graph above that this trend is taking shape in some of the world's largest markets. Therefore, it can be inferred that similar trends could take place in other parts of the world as well.

2. AI-Generated Images or Visuals

AI Based Computer Photo by VanceAI

The remarkable arrival of ChatGPT opened the gates for a vast number of AI tools to make their mark in digital marketing and content creation. If you spend even an hour online, be it on YouTube or social media, you must've noticed the sudden increase in the use of AI generated images for thumbnails, stories, posts, profile pictures, etc.

This trend is only going to continue as generative AI becomes more powerful and capable of delivering amazing results. Apps such as VanceAI, Midjourney, and others will establish themselves as go-to solutions for many content-related tasks.

How VanceAI is Driving the Digital Commerce Experience

VanceAI homepage

VanceAI can enhance digital commerce experiences by providing efficient image editing tools that improve the quality and appeal of product images. These tools can help businesses create visually appealing content that resonates with their target audience, ultimately leading to increased engagement and sales.

Additionally, VanceAI's solutions offer cost-effective alternatives to traditional photoshoots, saving businesses time and money. By automating tasks such as image editing and model generation, VanceAI enables brands to streamline their digital commerce processes and focus on delivering a personalized and engaging shopping experience to their customers.


Digital commerce is no longer just an option but a necessity for brands and businesses looking to succeed in today's competitive market. By learning why is digital commerce important, businesses can enhance their online presence, reach a wider audience, and drive higher sales. AI image editing apps like VanceAI play a crucial role in this process. Tools such as AI Fashion Model Generator save time and provide great results.

These tools not only save time and resources but also ensure consistency and professionalism across all digital touchpoints. By leveraging AI image editing apps, brands can create a compelling online shopping experience that engages customers and builds trust, ultimately leading to increased conversions and long-term customer loyalty.


1. What does digital commerce include?

Digital commerce typically includes ecommerce, social media, social commerce, digital marketing, and other verticals. You can study what is digital commerce by becoming familiar with these verticals. Overall, digital commerce is a broad term that consistutes of many things, with the ultimate goal being to drive sales.

2. What is the difference between e-commerce and digital commerce?

E-commerce refers specifically to online transactions, while digital commerce encompasses a broader range of digital interactions related to buying and selling, including online marketing, mobile commerce, and social commerce. E-commerce is a subset of digital commerce, which includes a wider array of digital activities beyond just transactions.

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Frank Edward
Frank Edward
Frank provides expert information on AI tools that are applied to E-commerce, design, games, music and videos.