eBay is a giant online store where people can sell things using pictures. It is crucial for users to be updated with the eBay photo size and other requirements. Good pictures help people trust you, see what they're getting, and are more likely to buy your products.

It is needless to say eBay photo backdrops play a big role in the presentation of products online.

Tools like BGremover can help with this. They make it easy to remove background from image effortlessly. This puts all the attention on the item you're selling on eBay, making your listing look clean and professional. People are more likely to trust your listing and buy your item if the pictures look good.

backdrops for ebay photo

What is eBay?

eBay is a giant online marketplace where people and businesses can buy and sell a whole variety of things. It's been around since 1995 and is one of the biggest online shopping destinations in the world.

There are two main ways things are sold on eBay:

Auctions: This is where sellers list an item and buyers bid against each other for the chance to buy it. The person with the highest bid at the end of the auction wins the item.

Fixed-price listings: Sellers can also choose to list items at a set price, so buyers can just purchase them outright if they want.

You can find pretty much anything on eBay, from clothes and electronics to furniture, collectible items, and even cars. It's a great place to find bargains or unique items that you wouldn't be able to get in a regular store.

Of course, you can also sell your idle items on this platform.

How to Make Your eBay Photo Stand Out?

Here are some key things to make your eBay photos stand out:


Natural light is best: If possible, photograph your item in natural daylight near a window on a cloudy day (avoid harsh shadows).

Avoid flash: Flash can create unnatural glare and reflections.

Use diffused lighting: If you're using lights instead of natural light, use lamps with shades or bounce the light off a white wall. This will make the light shine evenly on your item.

Clean and uncluttered: A plain white background is ideal for most items. Black backgrounds can work well for reflective items.

Consider the item: For some items, a lifestyle background (like clothing on a model) can be effective. Ensure it doesn't distract from the product.

Image Quality

High resolution: Use the highest resolution your camera offers for clear, crisp photos.

Multiple angles: Show the item from multiple angles. Including close-ups of important details and any imperfections.

Fill the frame: Compose your shot so the item fills most of the frame.

Additional Tips

Use a tripod: This helps avoid camera shake and ensures sharp photos.

Edit for clarity: Basic edits like cropping and adjusting brightness/contrast can enhance your photos.

Showcase scale: Include a ruler or common object for reference if size is important.

Show the item in use: If applicable, consider including photos showing the item being used.

Use all 12 image slots: eBay allows up to 12 photos per listing, so take advantage of that!

Following these tips, you can create high-quality photos that will grab buyers' attention. Make your eBay listings more successful!

How to Take Photos for Selling on eBay?

ai background photos

Great product photos are essential for grabbing attention and boosting sales on eBay. Here's a detailed guide to walk you through the process:


Gather your supplies:

  1. Your product (cleaned and polished if necessary)
  2. Camera (DSLR or a high-quality smartphone camera works well)
  3. Tripod (recommended for stability, especially for close-ups)
  4. Backdrop (plain white sheet, seamless paper, or black fabric for reflective items)
  5. Softer lighting is better (optional, but helpful for lights). You can use tracing paper or white fabric over a lampshade to make the light softer.
  6. Optional: Props (for lifestyle shots), ruler (for showing scale)

Choose your location:

Find a clean, clutter-free space with ample lighting. A large, open room with a big window is ideal.


  1. Natural light is king: If possible, shoot near a window on a cloudy day. Cloudy skies diffuse sunlight, creating soft, even illumination. Avoid direct sunlight as it can cause harsh shadows.
  2. Diffusing artificial light: If natural light isn't available, use artificial lights with diffusers. Alternatively, bounce light off a white wall or surface for softer lighting.

Background Setup

Hang your white sheet or seamless paper behind your product, ensuring it's wrinkle-free. You can use clips or tape to secure it in place.

Camera Settings

  1. Switch to manual mode: This gives you more control over the final image.
  2. Set your aperture: Aim for a higher f-stop number (like f/8 or higher) for increased depth of field, which keeps both the product and background in focus.
  3. Adjust ISO and shutter speed: Play around with these settings to achieve a clear image without blur. A lower ISO reduces grain, while a slower shutter speed allows more light in (use a tripod for slow shutter speeds).

Taking the Photos

  1. Mount your camera on a tripod (optional but recommended): This is especially important for close-up pictures so they don't get blurry.
  2. Position your product: Place your item on a clean surface in front of the backdrop. Center the product within the frame and ensure its level.
  3. Compose your shot: Fill the frame with your product, leaving minimal empty space around it.
  4. Capture multiple angles: Take photos from the front, back, sides, top, and bottom. Include close-up shots of any logos, unique features, or imperfections (so buyers know exactly what they're getting).
  5. Showcase scale (if applicable): Include a ruler or common object in the frame to give viewers a sense of the product's size.
  6. Show it in action (optional): If relevant, capture photos demonstrating how the item is used. This is especially helpful for clothing, sporting equipment, etc.

eBay Photo Requirements All You Need to Know

Just like other online stores, eBay has its own rules that you need to follow to sell stuff there. Following the eBay photo requirements will ensure a smooth experience on the platform. Users can get an eBay photo editing software dedicated to perfecting images for the website.

1. eBay Photo Size

eBay Photo Size

Image Credit: The Clipping Path Service

One of the first eBay photo requirements you need to know is eBay photo size. When posting photos on eBay, it's crucial to adhere to their guidelines to ensure optimal presentation.

eBay recommends a minimum image size of 500 pixels on the longest side, with file formats like JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, or TIFF accepted. Make sure to design your eBay cover photo with research.

Images should have a white or light-colored background to enhance visibility. Uploading a high-resolution eBay photo size enables potential buyers to zoom in for a closer look. 

If you follow eBay's picture rules, your listings will look professional and people will be more likely to want to buy your stuff. This means using good quality pictures and saving them in the right format.

2. eBay Photo Backdrops

eBay photo clean backdrop

eBay photo requirements involve having clear and professional eBay photo backdrops. eBay recommends a white or light-colored background for consistency and clarity.

Tools like VanceAI BGremover can help you edit your pictures for eBay. They make it easy to remove the background and put it in a clean one. A clean background makes your item the star of the show on eBay. People can see all the details easily, with nothing else to distract them.

How to choose a background rightly for your product photo? Using clean backgrounds in your eBay pictures makes them look much better. This way, people are more likely to see your listings and want to buy your stuff. VanceAI tools are easy to use, so anyone can make their pictures look professional with clean backgrounds.

3. eBay Cover Photo

eBay photo backdrops

eBay cover photos play a crucial role in attracting buyers and setting the tone for your listings. These images are used as the primary visual representation of your product on eBay search results and category pages.

To ensure optimal display of your eBay cover photos, an eBay cover photo should come with a minimum size of 1200x700 pixels. Good cover pictures can really help your business on eBay. They catch people's eye and make them want to learn more about your stuff.

Great cover pictures for your eBay listings can make people want to buy your stuff more. Here are some tips:

  • Use clear pictures with good lighting.
  • Show the coolest features of your item.
  • Tools like VanceAI Background Generator can also help. It makes easy to remove the background and put it in a clean one.

4. eBay Photo Editing Software

eBay photo editing software VanceAI

Leveraging eBay photo editing software such as VanceAI for eBay images brings multiple advantages to users. VanceAI is a photo editor that works great for eBay. It lets you remove backgrounds, make pictures bigger, and make other edits to your eBay listings. From background removal to adding creative elements, VanceAI caters to diverse editing needs.

eBay Photo Backdrops Examples

Here are some example eBay photo backdrops generated by VanceAI Background Generator:

  • Handbag on fluffy eBay photo backdrops

ebay photo backdrops

  • Sneakers on clean eBay photo backdrops

ebay photo backdrops

  • T-shirt on grey eBay photo backdrops

clothing ebay photo backdrops

How to Remove Backdrops for eBay Photo?

Using VanceAI's BGremover is a straightforward process, delivering edited images in just a few simple steps.

Step 1: Access the BGremover page through the provided link. Once there, initiate the editing process by clicking the "Upload Image" button to enter the Workspace.

edit eBay photo backdrop

Step 2: Progress to the next stage by uploading the image you wish to edit. Clearly specify whether the primary subject is a human figure or an object. After making your selection, proceed by clicking the "Start to Process" button.

BGremover online workspace

Step 3: In a short duration, the image undergoes processing, effectively removing the background. To save the edited image, simply use the available download option.

remove ebay photo backdrops

Once you get the final image, you can click on the Change Background option to open up Background Changer. In this mode, you can replace the empty background with any background image of your choice. Essentially, you can create eBay photo backdrops here easily.

ebay photo backdrops

You may be looking for some product photography inspiration, you can check out Sunglasses Product Photography Tips.

How to Make Creative eBay Photo Backdrops?

AI Background Generator simplifies eBay photo editing. AI streamlines the process of creating appealing backgrounds. It easily makes eBay product photos stand out.

Step 1: Access the online tool's webpage by clicking the provided link. Proceed to the Workspace by using the button available on the page.

VanceAI Background Generator Page

Step 2: Upload your desired image. The tool will autonomously eliminate the background. Click on Save Asset. Choose a background style from the options or describe a custom background using the prompt feature. Click "Generate".

Workspace BG Removal

Step 3: Once the images are generated, preview them by clicking on each. Use the download icon to save the final photo to your device.

eBay photo backdrops

The final outcome of sneakers is on clean and attractive eBay photo backdrops.

ebay photo backdrops


It is not only imperative to get the eBay photo requirements right but also to edit your images in a way that looks appealing to viewers. With the right eBay photo size and quality, you can propel your visual content forward and impress viewers. There's a lot of competition on eBay, so you need great pictures to make your stuff stand out.

VanceAI makes editing pictures for eBay easy, no matter who you are. Their tools are user-friendly, and there's something for everyone. You can remove backgrounds, create new ones, or fix your pictures in other ways. VanceAI has everything you need all in one place.


1. How to Remove Backgrounds for eBay Photo?

You can use many tools or apps to remove backgrounds from photos on eBay. One of the easiest and most highly effective tools to use is BGremover. Developed by VanceAI for background editing, it is an AI-powered tool online that makes it easy for users to remove backgrounds. You can use the link to access it and then get to its Workspace. 

There, simply upload an image and process the image. The tool will automatically remove the background for you. After that, you can use the download image option to save the image on your device.

2. How to Make an eBay Photo Backdrop?

You can create various backdrops with the right tool. In this case, you can use either BGremover or VanceAI Background Generator. Use AI technology and algorithms to add background styles to your images or type a prompt describing the kind of background you want. It then processes the image and adds a new backdrop accordingly. These options are best for users who want to add more creativity to their eBay photos.

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Frank Edward
Frank Edward
Frank provides expert information on AI tools that are applied to E-commerce, design, games, music and videos.