Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that enables individuals and businesses to create online stores for selling. Selling on Shopify is appealing due to its UI design and because it offers a range of features including customizable templates, secure payment gateways, and robust analytics. So, what is Shopify used for? It basically creates an online environment for businesses to sell all kinds of products, such as books, electronics, clothes, etc.

Users should consider Shopify due to its scalability, ease of use, and extensive app ecosystem, as it enables a lot more interactivity and accessibility compared to other similar platforms. Whether you're a small business owner or a large enterprise, Shopify provides the necessary tools to grow your online presence efficiently.

This guide discusses more about Shopify, what to sell on Shopify, and editing tools to use to improve your Shopify business. You can use tools such as AI Background Generator to perfect your listing.

shopify listing


What Is Shopify Used for?

If you're wondering what is Shopify used for, it is used by individuals and businesses to setup their digital business on the Shopify platform, which connects these businesses to millions of potential buyers. Its user-friendly interface and robust set of features make it accessible to users of varying technical expertise. Shopify provides businesses with marketing tools, customization options, inventory management features, and more, making selling on Shopify appealing.

what to sell on shopify

Shopify is primarily used for selling a wide range of products, including physical goods like clothing and electronics, digital products such as e-books and software, and services like consultations and classes. It is one of the few platforms that not only has this sort of variety but also popularity. It has pretty much become a global brand.

Since there are new businesses and individuals trying to setup their account for the first time, the Shopify UI is designed to be user-friendly and simple. The drag-and-drop functionality, coupled with a variety of pre-designed templates, ensures that even those without a background in web design can create professional-looking online shops. Shopify also offers extensive customer support and a rich app ecosystem, enabling users to enhance their store's functionality through various integrations.

Shopify powers over 1.7 million businesses across more than 175 countries, demonstrating its widespread adoption and reliability . The platform has seen significant growth, driven by the increasing trend of online shopping and the need for businesses to have a strong digital presence. If you're considering selling on Shopify, rest assured that the platform will continue to grow as it maintains its core strengths and plans to adapt to the future.

The platform is continually evolving, with a focus on expanding its capabilities through AI and machine learning to provide even more personalized and efficient services. This makes Shopify a forward-thinking choice for businesses looking to stay competitive in the e-commerce space.

What to Sell on Shopify?

Shopify is a massive platform that has been around for a while and as a result, offers a space for all kinds of products that you can expect. Some of the common items sold on Shopify include clothing and accessories, beauty products, electronics, digital products like software or apps, art, and niche products such as handmade crafts and specialty foods. Buyers on Shopify often look for unique, high-quality products, easy navigation, and secure payment options.

To enhance their chances of sales, businesses can utilize tools such as AI Background Generator and other image editing software. High-quality product photos are crucial for attracting and retaining customer interest. An AI Background Generator can create professional-looking backgrounds that highlight the product, making it more appealing to potential buyers. Apart from that, there are other image editing tools that you can consider according to the results you want.

ai background for selling on shopify

For instance, if you want to try different colored solid backgrounds to highlight your electronic products, you can use AI Background Generator. Beauty product sellers can enhance their images to reflect the true colors and textures of their items, helping customers make informed purchasing decisions. VanceAI in general offers plenty of AI image editing tools you can consider for various image effects.

By leveraging these image editing tools, businesses can create visually appealing product listings that stand out in a crowded marketplace. It is important to know what is Shopify used for, but also about how to sell something better.

Tips for Selling on Shopify

what to sell on shopify

Selling on Shopify can be highly rewarding if you follow some key strategies to enhance your store's appeal and functionality. Here are several tips to help you succeed:

1. Enhance Your Store Design: A minimalist design strategy with concise copy tends to work well. Besides, ensure your website is mobile-friendly as a significant portion of customers shop on their phones.

2. Use High-Quality Images: High-quality product images can significantly impact your sales. Utilize AI image editing tools such as AI Product Image Generator from VanceAI. This tool helps create professional product images by enhancing backgrounds and overall image quality, making your products more appealing.

shopify product image

3. Write Compelling Product Descriptions: Craft detailed and engaging product descriptions that highlight the features and benefits of your items. Also, make sure to keep your sentences simple and include keywords for better SEO performance.

4. Offer Excellent Customer Service: Provide prompt and helpful customer service to build trust and encourage repeat business. Consider using chatbots to offer 24/7 support.

5. Social Media Marketing: Promote your products on social media platforms where your target audience is most active. This is where VanceAI can be most valuable as it provides stunning visuals to share.

6. Experiment with Visuals: You don't have to follow the rules each and every time. When it comes to images, you can use tools such as AI Fashion Model Generator or AI image generators to add a creative spin to your images.

ai models for shopify

7. Leverage Analytics: Use Shopify’s built-in analytics to track your store’s performance. Understand which products are performing well and adjust your strategies accordingly.

8. Offer Discounts and Promotions: Create attractive deals to entice customers. Limited-time offers and discounts can help drive quick sales and create a sense of urgency.

By following these tips and utilizing tools like VanceAI’s AI Product Image Generator, selling on Shopify can feel much simpler and worthwhile. Also, Temu is another e-commerce platform, you can learn how to sell on Temu as well.


Shopify is an absolutely expansive platform that is worth venturing into regardless of the type of business that you plan to run. You don't even have to be a big business to establish your presence there. However, it is important to keep note of your visual content quality, photography, copywriting, and other marketing factors to get the best possible results.

Once you know what to sell on Shopify, you can start utilizing other apps such as VanceAI to improve your content. For just $4.95, you get full access to VanceAI and 100 image credits. The platform has more than 15 image editing tools at your disposal.

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Frank Edward
Frank Edward
Frank provides expert information on AI tools that are applied to E-commerce, design, games, music and videos.